Deadliest "natural disasters" ever recorded in Human History

Throughout the human history, several natural disasters have been accounted for the destruction some civilization.

One famous natural disaster is the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, it destroys the city of Pompeii, reminds us of the awesome power of this active volcano.

Three of the insane disasters on the video.
Three of the insane disasters on the video.

In our modern civilization with sophisticated and advanced technology, humans are able to predict and forecast some natural disaster such typhoon and hurricane.

The volcanic warning system is installed in most active volcanoes to give an early warning to prepare evacuation in areas of concern.

Monster waves from the Tsunami.
Monster waves from the Tsunami.

In the Pacific ring of fire, all countries are cooperating in terms of early warning communication to prevent further destruction and casualty caused by a massive earthquake.

Landslides on the Mountains.
Landslides on the Mountains.

Even though science and technology are helping humans when natural disaster occurs, still we couldn’t prevent it from happening.

Building collapsing caught on camera.
Building collapsing caught on camera.

But there is a single piece of technology that has been useful when disaster happens and that is the camera. It captures everything right on the spot as things happens.

Coconut Trees standing against the powerful winds of a hurricane.
Coconut Trees standing against the powerful winds of a hurricane.

Through these videos, we can fully understand the true power of nature. Watch the collection of natural disasters caught on camera as it unfolds right before your eyes.

Golf ball-sized ice blocks dives into the swimming pool.
Golf ball-sized ice blocks dives into the swimming pool.

Typhoon Haiyan destroys southern part of the Philippines, killing thousands of people and leaving a mark on the World's history.

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Deadliest "natural disasters" ever recorded in Human History Deadliest "natural disasters" ever recorded in Human History Reviewed by TrendSpot on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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