Man throws 500 Lighters in a pit of Fire

A Man throws 500 Cigarette Lighters into Fire and it's spectacular

Lighter is a portable device used to make fire and light up cigarettes, birthday candles, and so many stuff. Because of its portability and usability, it was included in one of the greatest gadgets invented.

In August 2011 Stephen Fry chose the lighter as the greatest gadget in his Channel 4 programme Stephen Fry’s 100 Greatest Gadgets, one of the 100 Greatest strand, describing it as "fire with a flick of the fingers".
According to Wikipedia

 A screenshot from the video.
Safety first. The person behind the experiment prepares his safety gear.

In this video a YouTuber made an unusual experiment with lighter, he is going to throw not one but 500 lighters on fire. What do you think will happen?

He unpacked those lighters from the box, place it all together in a container, then dug a small pit and start a fire. On the right moment, he throws all the 500 lighters on the pit of fire, seconds later it starts to explode.

 A screenshot from the video.
And then the spectacular scene started.

The explosion makes a large fire, towering up in the air. It resembles a nuclear blast way back in 60’s. Take note this was done in an open area with safety measures and precautions, please do not try this at home.

What do you think of this experiment? Leave us your comments and feedback.

Source: MrGear's official YouTube Channel

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Man throws 500 Lighters in a pit of Fire Man throws 500 Lighters in a pit of Fire Reviewed by TrendSpot on Wednesday, March 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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