Beware! Oranges from Libya were injected with HIV blood!

The immigration services of Algeria recovered a large quantity of these oranges coming from Libya. These oranges were injected with positive tested HIV & AIDS blood.

This photo circulating online allegedly shows oranges from Libya which
were said to be injected with HIV-positive blood.

There were pictures of oranges from Libya with blood inside were circulating heavily this week on Facebook and Twitter.

The caption of the picture reads “The immigration services of Algeria recovered a large quantity of these oranges coming from Libya. These oranges were injected with positive tested Hiv & AIDS blood. Please share this msg & warn people of the dangers involved.”

People began to share and like the said post.

According to the non-profit group for AIDS, HIV is a very fragile virus outside of the body. The HIV virus needs the human body as its host. The lifespan of HIV outside of the body has not been determined. However, we know that HIV needs its host cell (a human), the body temperature, and the chemistry of the blood to survive. Out of the body, HIV is out of its environment. As the blood dries, the HIV will die. In areas like a syringe or on a razor in a medicine cabinet, HIV would probably live longer because of less airflow and it's a more moist temperature controlled area.

It was also stated that HIV is a living virus, and it needs human host to survive. And it would be impossible to contract HIV from eating an orange that was injected with HIV blood before it was shipped over a long distance.

Until now the source of this image and story is still unknown. Although the story has been all over the internet for at least a few months. No major news sources have reported such a story.

It is also the same new in Yemen now; they use the same picture and reported it that oranges had been injected with hepatitis B and HIV-positive blood.

So in reality, all those stories are untrue. Those oranges with red blood inside are not infected with hepatitis B, HIV, or AIDS. It may likely be an unripe blood orange, or the inside of a blood orange hybrid.

The rumor regarding HIV-injected oranges from Libya and Yemen is unfounded.

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Beware! Oranges from Libya were injected with HIV blood! Beware! Oranges from Libya were injected with HIV blood! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, March 02, 2015 Rating: 5

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