Essiac Tea: A Cancer cure that big Pharmaceutical companies doesn't want you to know

I have been drinking Essiac tea for over a year now. Given a 6-8 months to live by an oncologist due to lung cancer (mets) and who didn’t do chemotherapy or radiation, hey, those hundreds of testimonials of cancer survivors I’ve read must have mean something, right?

Essiac Tea: A Cancer cure big Pharma does not want you to know.
Essiac Tea: A Cancer cure big Pharma does not want you to know.

Years of research led me to encounter about Essiac and its amazing benefits in fighting cancer. I got very interested with how a simple and inexpensive herbal formula could have produced miracle cures to terminal cancer patients dating back in the early 1920's!

Yes, this herbal tea has been around and used for 50 years. It was discovered by a humble nurse, Rene Caisse. Rene put up a clinic in a tiny village in Bracebridge, Toronto Canada from 1934 to 1942. Here she treated thousands of patients with cancer who came from far and near, most of them given up as hopeless after everything in medical science had failed. Even Rene’s mother who also had cancer was cured with Essiac and lived to the ripe age of 90 only because of a tired heart, not of cancer.

The Essiac tea aside from being a cancer cure has a remarkable ability to boost the immune system and detoxify the body. What are the ingredients of the miraculous Essiac? Four herbs: burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm and Turkey rhubarb. Rene called the formula Essiac, which is her surname spelled backwards.

Now, why does a very effective cancer treatment, non-toxic and non-invasive not offered as a treatment option for cancer patients alongside chemotherapy or radiation?? Big pharmaceutical companies had always tried to conceal the existence of Essiac and all the other effective alternative treatments because they are more interested in making money than helping people. Essiac is cheap and it would cut into the lucrative profits from surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Even before, there already existed an organized effort to keep a cancer cure from being discovered which Rene didn’t think existed! Now why am I not surprised??

Until this very day, many cancer patients and survivors are taking the amazing Essiac. I have been taking Essiac tea as an adjuvant (additional treatment to a main treatment) cancer treatment for a year now. My cousin purchases this online for me and sends the item through a friend or relative who will visit the country. Yes, it takes a longer time to acquire the item. Essiac is a registered trademark in Canada. However, I was very glad to know that a local supplier supplies this just with a different name, Flor Essence.

So whether you are the survivor/patient, or you have a relative or a friend who has cancer, please do your research and never cease to pray for God’s leading and wisdom. You will be surprised that there are a lot of alternative cancer treatments out there that proves to be more effective and reliable! It pays to be knowledgeable of treatment options other than just submitting yourselves to conventional treatments that only does more harm than good. Remember that a lot of those who were diagnosed with cancer do not die with cancer but due to the conventional treatments they undergo.

Again, talk to you soon… If you have any question, comment, anything.. feel free to leave your message below. Anything is welcome :)

Momentarily, I leave you with a favorite quote:
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have
– Cayla Mills


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Essiac Tea: A Cancer cure that big Pharmaceutical companies doesn't want you to know Essiac Tea: A Cancer cure that big Pharmaceutical companies doesn't want you to know Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, August 27, 2015 Rating: 5