The healing powers of "Organic Juice"

I know it's been a while and I owe you updates and progress about my treatments and my cancer journey since I refused chemotherapy and decided to turn to alternative and natural therapies. In my last article, “What Every Cancer Patient needs to Know” I talked about how to deal or what to do after a cancer diagnosis. You need to accept it, understand it, then only then can you take control and fight it.

Best duo- organic vegetables and a slow masticating juicer
Best duo- organic vegetables and a slow masticating juicer

I know there are a lot of changes I needed to do. Difficult as these changes seemed, I was focused on winning the biggest battle of my life. One of the changes I did is incorporate vegetable juice to my diet. In my continuous research for effective natural cancer treatments it was incredible to read many cancer survivors’ stories mentioning veggie juice as an essential factor in their survival. One woman got cured of Stage 4 Lung cancer (metastasis from breast cancer) with just drinking 5 pounds of carrot juice a day!

It is better to juice the vegetable because you get 80-90 % of the plant’s nutrients and the juice is absorbed 100% within minutes of being drunk. So I bought a slow masticating Omega juicer (I researched that slow masticating ones are the best juicers) and searched for a local supplier of organic veggies in my area. My veggie juice initially composed of carrots, cucumber, red cabbage, red bell pepper, romaine lettuce, red beets and green apples. Eventually I would one or two veggies with greens or whatever is in cheaper or in season. I drink my juice 3 times a day, before meals or on empty stomach. I also bought mason jars to store them in the fridge but need to consume within 24 hours.

Now why organic?

The word "organic" refers to the methods farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farming practices are designed to encourage soil and water conservation and reduce pollution. Farmers who grow organic produce don't use conventional methods to fertilize and control weeds. Examples of organic farming practices include using natural fertilizers to feed soil and plants, and using crop rotation or mulch to manage weeds.

There are lots of research that shows the healing properties of juicing. Not only will juicing facilitate increased energy levels, strengthened immunity, strong bones and a glowing complexion, it may also reduce chances of heart disease, cancer and strokes. A growing body of research suggests that natural, plant-based vitamins and minerals are more easily and completely absorbed by the body compared to most vitamin supplements.

It is best to juice only organic veggies as they contain more nutritional value, safer and gives more intense and delicious flavors. If the produce being juiced is not organic, all the other chemicals in or on the plant (pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers) will also be part of the juice. Make it a point to always check the labels of vegetables or products you buy and if you can always buy organic. Now if you can’t, grow your own organic garden. It is all going to be worth it, I assure you.

So stay tuned... If you have any question, comment, anything... feel free to leave your message below. Anything is welcome. :)

Much Love,


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The healing powers of "Organic Juice" The healing powers of "Organic Juice" Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, July 02, 2015 Rating: 5