Does Chemotherapy really Cures Cancer?

When I was diagnosed of breast cancer 10 years ago, I had to undergo radical mastectomy procedure on my right breast where 11 lymph nodes were also taken. All turned out negative, and my surgeon said it can be compared to winning the lotto. I thought thatā€™s very good news. Then I was presented by my oncologist (doctors specializing on cancer) the only treatment option after surgery which was chemotherapy. I was only stage 1 but ā€œchemoā€ (as it is commonly called) was the only treatment option presented by my oncologist. So I had chemo, only to realize if chemotherapy is a benefit of winning the lotto, I would never want to win it. This is why I didnā€™t agree to have this when I had a recurrence to the lungs February last year.

Studies investigated why chemotherapy is a complete failure at
permanently eradicating cancer because cancer cells multiply and
spread even after chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy is the medically accepted mode of treatment for most types of cancer. It is given before or after surgery, to either kill cancer cells that remain or shrink tumors. Chemotherapy works by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells, which grow and divide quickly. But in the process also harm healthy cells that divide quickly, such as your hair, nails, skin, digestive system, and your blood. Damage to healthy cells causes side effects. This process makes you very sick and can cause permanent damage to various parts of your body including your brain, liver, hearing, and reproductive organs.

So why is the success rate of chemotherapy very low?

According to an important paper published in the Australian journal Clinical Oncology in 2005, the survival rate over a five-year period of Australian adults treated with chemotherapy is only 2.3%, and even lower in the US at 2.1%.

According to Dr. Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., who summarized the findings in a two-part article entitled ā€œAussie Oncologists Criticize Chemotherapyā€. The meticulous study authored by oncologists, was based on an analysis of all the randomized, controlled clinical trials (RCTs) performed in Australia and the US that reported statistically significant increase in five-year survival due to the use of chemotherapy in adult malignancies. The authors deliberately drifted on the side of overestimating the benefit of chemotherapy. Even so, the study concluded that overall, chemotherapy contributes just over 2% to improved survival in cancer patients.

Despite the mounting evidence of chemotherapyā€™s lack of effectiveness in prolonging survival,
said Moss,

oncologists continue to present chemotherapy as a rational and promising approach to cancer treatment.

Several papers on the efficacy of chemotherapy also cited, Dr. Ulrich Abel of the Institute of Epidemiology, University of Heidelberg, which made a survey of over 350 cancer centers worldwide in 1990 and concluded that:
Apart from Hodgkinā€™s disease, some childhood leukemias and testicular cancers, there is no direct evidence that chemotherapy prolongs survival in patients of advanced epithelial malignancies.

Dr. Eduardo Gonzales, former dean of DLSU College of Medicine during the late 1999, in a book titled "Medicine for All," declared that: "Except in a few instances, there have been no improvements in cancer survival rates."

Chemotherapy drugs are the most toxic substances ever put deliberately into the human body. It severely destroys the immune system of the body which fights the cancer. It kills far more normal cells than cancerous cells. Causes immense pain and sickness, and a host of other side effects, so much so that many people drop out of chemotherapy and would rather die than continue their treatments. Patients eventually die of the treatment not of cancer.

There were also studies that investigated why chemotherapy is a complete failure at permanently eradicating cancer because cancer cells multiply and spread even after chemotherapy. Researchers from numerous countries have confirmed that cancer tumors generate their own stem cells, which in turn feed the re-growth of new tumors after earlier ones have been eliminated.

In one of the studies published in the journal Nature, researcher Luis Parada from the University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and his colleagues investigated how new tumors are able to re-grow after previous ones have been wiped out with chemotherapy. Parada and his team treated mice with cancer cells in their brain tumors with conventional chemotherapy.

They discovered that, although chemotherapy appeared in many cases to successfully kill tumor cells and temporarily stop the growth and spread of cancer, the treatment ultimately failed to prevent new tumors from forming. And the culprit, it turns out, was cancer stem cells that persisted long after chemotherapy, which quietly prompted the re-growth of new tumors later down the road.

A second study published in Nature found similar results using skin tumors, while a third published in the journal Science confirmed both of the other studies in research involving intestinal polyps. It appears as though, all across the board, cancer tumors possess an inherent ability to produce their own stem cells, which can circulate throughout the body and develop into tumors. And traditional cancer treatments cannot address them.

So how can chemotherapy be an "effective" treatment when it doesn't cure cancer but all it means is temporary tumor shrinkage? Chemotherapy usually doesn't cure cancer or extend life, and it really does not improve the quality of the life either. Doctors frequently make this claim though.

There are have been many researches and studies out there that questions the efficiency of chemotherapy. Whether or not you take chemotherapy is a decision only you can make. I strongly encourage you to do your research about the disease and available treatments so you can make informed decisions. Take responsibility for your own healthā€¦ I did.

And my journey goes on...

- Isabellle

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Does Chemotherapy really Cures Cancer? Does Chemotherapy really Cures Cancer? Reviewed by TrendSpot on Sunday, April 05, 2015 Rating: 5