What is this strange-looking creature found under a bridge in New York?

News has already spread around New York City about a gruesome-looking, inflated, unidentified animal under Brooklyn Bridge. This has brought scare and wonder to the city wondering if the legendary Montauk Monster had returned to the New York area because there is a genuine resemblance. The 'Montauk monster' was a mysterious carcass that (apparently) washed up on July 13th at Montauk, Long Island, New York in 2008.

The monstrous-looking creature found beneath
the Brooklyn Bridge, New York City.

Denise Ginley found this horrifying mystery creature with a mutilated face, snarling snout and five toes on each foot has washed up under the Brooklyn Bridge, perplexing New Yorkers. Various media outlets and overseas media reported on this animal, raised questions of its kind.

I first I thought of it as some sort of horrible, like bloated carcass of a dead dog, but when we got closer, those aren’t dog paws!
Denise mentioned to reporters after posting pictures on the internet and everyone had his own opinion!

Denise, the woman who found it, said she thought it was a huge rat, but other people disagreed. Some thought it was a small raccoon, others – a deformed seal, and one guy said he thought it resembled a girl he saw at Walmart.

One side of the story is that the Montauk monster was found in a place in New York that has a direct water route to nearby Plum Island, where the government has a secret center where they’re testing for animal diseases. But what really goes on there, no one is sure.

So what do you think is mysterious creature found underneath the Brooklyn Bridge? Your guess is as good as mine...

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What is this strange-looking creature found under a bridge in New York? What is this strange-looking creature found under a bridge in New York? Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, December 04, 2014 Rating: 5