This girl had to stay awake for days after parasite started eating her eyeball

Eye parasite infested this teenager girl's eye. The 19-year-old contact lens wearer, Jessica Greaney, thought she only had a minor eye infection: her eye was sore and her eyelid kept drooping.

Little did she know that there was a parasite, Acanthamoeba, living inside her eyeball. Left untreated, this parasite can cause blindness. To diagnose the problem, doctors had to scrape away a small sample of her eye tissue with a scalpel.

Her eyes were infested by parasites
Her eyes were infested by parasites.

How did Greaney contract the parasite? Through her contact lenses. But don't fall for the misconception that you can only catch the parasite if you don't keep your lenses clean; the parasite lives in water and anyone can catch it. However, it's more common for contact lens wearers to get the parasite. If you shower or swim with your lenses in, you could be trapping the parasite next to your eyeball where your eye has no way to eject it with tears.

Jessica with her swollen right eye
Jessica with her swollen right eye.

The story has ended favorably for Jessica, albeit after many sleepless nights and a lot of pain. However, not everyone is this lucky; some sufferers need to have corneal transplants to restore their eyesight and others go blind entirely.

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This girl had to stay awake for days after parasite started eating her eyeball This girl had to stay awake for days after parasite started eating her eyeball Reviewed by TrendSpot on Sunday, May 24, 2015 Rating: 5

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