They ordered a sandwich in SUBWAY, but they were shock when they found out what's inside the sandwich! GROSS!

Rats may like cheese in their mouth, but these mice seems prefer sandwich. This incident will lose your appetite for sure.

Screenshot from the video
Screenshot from the video

At Lincoln City, Oregon, Matt Jones reportedly saw a dead mouse in his friend Jay’s sandwich when they stopped at a Subway Restaurant. Jay ordered a teriyaki chicken sandwich from the restaurant.

When his friend opened up his sandwich, he found a dead mouse between the spinach and cheese.

"Thankfully it was discovered before Jay took a bite of a dead mouse!" Jones said.

He brought his own sandwich up to the manager because it also had spinach on it, and got a full refund.

After the incident, Subway employees immediately offered each customer a refund and a replacement Subway sandwich.

"As soon as the customer alerted the owner about what happened, they were immediately given a full refund and an investigation was launched,” Subway franchise's headquarters said.

The county health department was immediately advised and arrived quickly to conduct an investigation. The inspector studied the dead mouse, the bin it came from and also searched the entire restaurant for any sign of contamination or droppings. 

Screenshot from the video
According to Cheryl Connell, director of Lincoln County Health and Human Services, the mouse problem din not came from inside the facility. It was probably in a bag of bagged spinach product, not from the facility itself.

However, health officials said there was very little chance of anyone becoming ill from eating spinach stored in the same container as the leaves added to Jay's sandwich. But just to be sure, Oregon’s Health Department came in to make sure things got cleaned up.

All of the products in the sandwich unit were disposed of and a thorough cleaning took place.

However, health officials said there was very little chance of anyone becoming ill from eating spinach stored in the same container as the leaves added to Jay's sandwich.

The two men received an apology from Subway and a full refund. Matt Jones has also complained to Subway Headquarters so it does not happen again.

Watch the video here:

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They ordered a sandwich in SUBWAY, but they were shock when they found out what's inside the sandwich! GROSS! They ordered a sandwich in SUBWAY, but they were shock when they found out what's inside the sandwich! GROSS! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, October 15, 2015 Rating: 5

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