Why does this 14 years old boy looks like an elderly man? Read the story and find out why!

Inside every old person is a young person, they say. In his case, he is the old and the young both, together.

Nihal suffers a rare genetic disorder called progeria
Nihal suffers a rare genetic disorder called progeria

Nihal Shrinivas Bitla, 14 year-old, has wrinkled leathery skin, a bald enlarged head and withered limbs. He weighs 12.5kg - just fewer than two stone and is less than 4 foot (1.2 m) in height.

Nihal, who lives on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, suffers a rare genetic disorder called progeria. At first, his family thought it was a skin disease. Doctors say it is rare for a person suffering from progeria, the average age is 13.

However the condition does not affect his brain so his mind will remain young despite his body's rapid decline.

Progeria is an extremely rare genetic disorder wherein symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age. Experts say, progeria affects about 1 in every 20 million births in our country.

Currently there is no treatment for progeria. Some scientist is working on a drug that can slow down the ageing kids. The drug could be the answer to the woes of the 80 children in the world who suffer from the disease.

Nihal has stopped going to school now after his classmate began teasing him
Nihal has stopped going to school now after his classmate began teasing him
However, Nihal was sent to the Progeria Research Foundation in Boston, where he began undergoing clinical trials for a cancer drug that doctor’s hope will slow the ageing process.

Once a bright student, Nihal has stopped going to school now after his classmate began teasing him.

He hardly steps out of his house, and spend his time either painting or surfing on his ipad.

Nihal says "I want to live a normal life. But people tease me and stare at me all the time, when I go out of the house. These are the things that force me to sit at home”.

Now, he says he has three wishes in his life; to meet ASIMO the Robot made by Honda in Japan, to go to Disneyland in California and another secret wish he says he will reveal later in his life.

His father now desperately wants to make his son's potentially last year’s memorable.

”No matter how much time is left I just want to try to fulfill my son's wishes for now," Nihal father's said.

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Why does this 14 years old boy looks like an elderly man? Read the story and find out why! Why does this 14 years old boy looks like an elderly man? Read the story and find out why! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, October 08, 2015 Rating: 5