Astronomer allegedly captured an alien movement on the moon!

The bizarre object appears to emerge from the a deep dark crater for a brief moment before it suddenly disappear again.

In the deep dark crater an allegedly alien movement was filmed
In the deep dark crater an allegedly alien movement was filmed 

Conspiracy theorists believes that the strange footage they released obviously shows an alien life on the moon.

Seen in the video, amidst the deep crater, two circular lights, which seems to shaped like alien eyes, blinked for a second.

The video was uploaded by the US-bases UFO investigators secure team 10 on Facebook which thousands of views since yesterday. According to Tyler, who was from the secure team, the amazing footage that we just witnesses shows some obvious movement and activity happening in the crater which can well go down in the history books that there is a current activity on the moon.

He also claim that the strange object could be a human who is based on the moon. However, he strongly believes that it is more likely to be a real evidence of alien life.

When looked closely, the light seems to be an alien eye
When looked closely, the light seems to be an alien eye

On the other hand, the videos got various mixed reactions. Some thinks that the video was fake and edited while some says that they believe aliens are real, just  trying to hide their race before the humans.

While some even said that humans might be already living up in the moon trying to build their a colony and doing some research.

Watch the video below and judge it yourself! You can share us your thoughts on the comment section.

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Astronomer allegedly captured an alien movement on the moon! Astronomer allegedly captured an alien movement on the moon! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Friday, April 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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