Meet the woman who 'cries out' stones from her eyes! SHOCKING NEWS!

Unbelievable woman who's crying out stones from her eyes for 7 years and it has no cure! Watch her shocking story below..

Ding Aihua suffers from a mysterious condition
Ding Aihua suffers from a mysterious condition

A Chinese woman from Lufang Village, east China's Shandong province, who's been suffering from almost 7 years with a very mysterious disease turned to media for help because doctors treats them as if they were crazy. Ding Aihua claimed that she has been crying out stones from her eyes whenever she suffers headache.

Seven years ago, her husband Liang Xinchun was shocked after he discovered a stone under her wife's eyelid. It was a size of a soybeans that keeps on coming out from her eyes.

Whenever they go to hospitals and ask for the doctor's results or advice about her condition they are at a loss to explain Aihua's mysterious condition. The stones cause her so much pain and grows back every time her husband yakns one out using a wire.

Liang her husband uses a wire to remove the stones from her eyelids
Liang her husband uses a wire to remove the stones from her eyelids

"It really hurts her. Sometimes it comes from the upper eyelid and sometimes from the lower. She gets very anxious and you have to dig very hard. It grinds her eyes giving her uncomfortable pain." said Liang

According to her husband Liang, the hard silverish white stones from her wife's eyes were hard to remove that he has to use a small piece of iron wire to ease them out. He had already removed a dozen of 'eye stones' and he said that he keeps them in a small bottle in case he needs to show them to the doctors or reporters.

Doctors are puzzled on Aihua's condition and until now it has still no cure
Doctors are puzzled on Aihua's condition and until now it has still no cure
Liang who is a farmer they have already traveled all over the country looking for a doctor or hospital who could treat his wife, because some doctors usually refuse to accept that he and his wife are telling the truth.

"They treat us as if we are mental cases." he said

Giving them no other choice, they have now turned to the media for help curing her wife mysterious condition.

Journalists who accompanied them were all puzzled after seeing the latest stone that came out from Aihua's eyes which convinced them that her condition is true and what is the possible explanation might be.

Watch her video here:

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Meet the woman who 'cries out' stones from her eyes! SHOCKING NEWS! Meet the woman who 'cries out' stones from her eyes! SHOCKING NEWS! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, April 28, 2016 Rating: 5

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