A cute half Filipina and half Korean kid fascinates rich Arab fans, moves to Dubai.

A five year old kid with 1 million Arab fans charmed with her charming videos. She truly the cutest kid in the internet.

Snapshot from the video

Breanna Youn, who has a Filipina mom and Korean dad, enthral fans from Dubai with her cute videos from lip-signing, singing Tagalog song and her antics in a very attractive way.

Now, she moves to Dubai with her family and converted into Muslims.

Breanna singing Just Give Me a Reason / Bahay Kubo in her cutest voice:

Latest update from her

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A cute half Filipina and half Korean kid fascinates rich Arab fans, moves to Dubai. A cute half Filipina and half Korean kid fascinates rich Arab fans, moves to Dubai. Reviewed by TrendSpot on Sunday, November 30, 2014 Rating: 5