Talking about security, Sony hack scandal leaked out celebrity salaries!

From actor Sylvester Stallone to actress Rebel Wilson and director Judd Apatow, their salaries, home addresses and private informations have been leaked out from the Sony hack scandal.

Sylvester's salary has been leaked out. Source: AP

There data was stored in an unencrypted Microsoft Excel file which includes salary profile, Social Security number, home addresses that are dated back since year 2000.

They speculate that North Korea is behind this hacking activities because of Sony's controversial movie that tackles the plan of assassinating North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Sony has not commented on this issue , but its legal team is trying to force websites to remove the data from the internet.

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Talking about security, Sony hack scandal leaked out celebrity salaries! Talking about security, Sony hack scandal leaked out celebrity salaries! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Friday, December 05, 2014 Rating: 5