This captivating kittens dance Wiggle Wiggle, look on how they move!

Kittens are the cutest pet in the planet. They can relieve you everyday stress. What if your kitten can dance Wiggle Wiggle?

Screenshot from the video

This six adorable kittens dance to the tune of Wiggle Wiggle. In the 15 second video the kittens sway their head from left to right and raise their paw.

The owner of this video knows how to make these kittens dance. He or she may have a good cat food that the kittens cannot withstand the smell of it.


Here is another kitten who makes a solo on the Wiggle Wiggle dance craze.

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This captivating kittens dance Wiggle Wiggle, look on how they move! This captivating kittens dance Wiggle Wiggle, look on how they move! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Tuesday, December 02, 2014 Rating: 5