DIY Lipsticks from Crayons!

Kids' crayons? Yes! Making your own lipstick takes only about 10 minutes, costs next to nothing and allows you to choose from a dizzying array of colors!

Photo credits to the owner


  • Coconut Oil / Petroleum Jelly
  • Plastic Containers
  • Craft Sticks
  • Crayons (preferably Crayola)
  • Measuring Spoon


  • Prepare the things you need for this activity.

  • Choose the crayons you will use. Peel of the paper from the crayon.

  • Fill the pan with water. Then place a small glass container inside the pan.

  • Put your burner on Low. If you would like, add a pinch of salt to the water to make it boil faster.

  • Put on the Coconut Oil and let it melt.

  • Put in ¾ of crayon. Stir it while it melts.

  • If you’re making a lot of it, you can use small plastic containers.

  • Pour it in a plastic container. And let them set until they harden.A contact lens case is a convenient option for a container, allowing one to carry two shades at once.

  • Here’s a sample of the crayon lipstick when applied! Try it and Enjoy!

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DIY Lipsticks from Crayons! DIY Lipsticks from Crayons! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Tuesday, December 02, 2014 Rating: 5