A Do-It-Yourself that will save you money on baby wipes.

This DIY is easy, economical, environment friendly and most of all can save you money.

(Credits from beautyshoes.org)

How much is one pack of baby wipes, a hundred or one peso per sheet?

Try this do-it-yourself baby wipes can also be a make-up remover and for any general cleaning. All you need is a roll of paper towels, a tablespoon of coconut oil, hot water, facial wash of your choice, a mixing bowl, utility knife and a plastic container.

What you need (Credits to beautyshoes.org)

First, you need to blend the coconut oil and facial wash into a bowl of hot water and set it aside.

Stir and set aside (Credits to beautyshoes.org)

Second, divide the paper towel in half and place it inside the plastic container

Divide and Conquer (Credits to beautyshoes.org)

Third, pour in the mixture in the plastic container. Make sure you have covered all the paper towel with this fusion of water, oil and soap. Let it sit for a few minutes then remove the core of the paper towel

Pour and wait (Credits to beautyshoes.org)

Lastly, make an open on the lid and pull the moist paper towel

Open and pull (Credit to beautyshoes.org)

And there you have it! Your very own baby wipes!

Ready to clean on anything (Credit to beautyshoes.org)

Here is a video on how they created this inexpensive but effective make-up and baby wipes.

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A Do-It-Yourself that will save you money on baby wipes. A Do-It-Yourself that will save you money on baby wipes. Reviewed by TrendSpot on Sunday, January 25, 2015 Rating: 5

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