See how this guy entertains himself at work, what he do will mystify your mind!

And to think your job is boring! This guy find ways not to get bored while arranging watermelons.

What can he do with these watermelons (Screenshot from the video)
Watch the video below

This guy will amaze you on how he catches watermelons and places it in the basket. First he tries to catch it using his hands. Then he tries it with his left elbow, then right. Finally, he catch two watermelons using both of his elbows. He seems to be having a good time while showing his skills to his co-workers.

Credits to the owner of the video

Here are some cool facts, did you know that the most expensive watermelon is sold at 350,000 yen. This type of watermelons are grown in Toma, a small town in Hokkaido Island in Japan. This watermelon called Densuke and it is famous because of their perfect spherial form. It has a blank rind, crisp and very sweet.

Densuke watermelon, credits to the owner

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See how this guy entertains himself at work, what he do will mystify your mind! See how this guy entertains himself at work, what he do will mystify your mind! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, February 26, 2015 Rating: 5

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