This guy takes Diet Coke and Mentos combination to the next level!

Everybody knows that when you put a piece of Mentos inside a bottle of Diet Coke it produces a Geysers. This guy proves that you can take this experiment into the next level.

He bought 50 gallons of Coke Zero and 10 boxes of Mentos
Watch video below

Hajime, a Japanese YouTuber, shows that it is his bragging rights that he bathe into a Diet Coke and Mentos Geysers. First he bought 50 gallons of Diet Coke and place it on his bath tub. Then he bind some Mentos into his body using a scotch tape. 

After that, he submerges himself into the bathtub filled with Diet Coke. Geysers were produce because of the reaction of Coke with the Mentos candy. He even drinks a bottle of Coke while he is enjoying himself on the Coke geysers. See it in action below. 

See how Myth Buster explains how and why Mentos reacts when placing inside a bottle of Coke.

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This guy takes Diet Coke and Mentos combination to the next level! This guy takes Diet Coke and Mentos combination to the next level! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Wednesday, March 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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