A rare sea creature that washed ashore looks like a Pokemon!

Scientists have only explored 5 percent of the ocean. And the rest of the 95 percent under the water is still a mystery.

An extraordinary 10-foot oarfish in New Zealand was discovered when it washed up at Otago Harbor in Dunedin.

An oarfish can grow up to 50 feet long.
An oarfish can grow up to 50 feet long.

Don Gibbs, a local resident who found the rare creature immediately called the Department of Conversation (DOC).

David Agnew of DOC arrived in to examine the sea rare creature found by Gibbs. Agnew didn't recognize what kind of creature it was.

They are typically found in deep water in tropical oceans.
They are typically found in deep water in tropical oceans.

I was in the area when a local man called me and said he had found a strange looking fish on his morning walk,
Agnew said.

Gibbs found an oarfish, measured at 10 feet long blade like creature lying on a beach.

It was unlike anything I had ever seen. It must have just washed up and it was very fresh. It’s a very weird looking creature. Instead of scales it has this smooth skin, like tinfoil, and if you rubbed it the silver would come onto your hand,
he added.

Scientists are still examining how and why this rare sea creature was washed ashore.
Scientists are still examining how and why this rare sea creature was washed ashore.

Never in Agnew's stay in DOC for 20 years had him seen something like that. So he sends a photo to University of Otago and New Zealand Marine Studies Centre.

They got back to me very quickly to say it was an oarfish, which I had never heard of,
he said.

It's incredibly rare to see them in New Zealand.

An oarfish can grow up to 50 feet. And this sea monster can also grow to be the width of a human torso. They are typically found in deep water in tropical oceans.

This sea creature swim vertically in deep water and have the tendency to self amputate — biting off a part of the tail.

Now the Otago Museum took organs and tissue samples from the oarfish to find out why it was washed up ashore and the cause of its death.

The museum had preserved the oarfish and displayed it in a deepwater creatures diorama.

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A rare sea creature that washed ashore looks like a Pokemon! A rare sea creature that washed ashore looks like a Pokemon! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, April 20, 2015 Rating: 5

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