A Guy that took selfie every day for 16 years! [Time-lapse Video]

This man can measure a year in selfies!

Alaska-based artist JK Keller has taken daily self-portraits from the same angle for the past 16 years.

This guy took selfie everyday for 16 years
This guy took selfie everyday for 16 years

He now has over 5,000 photos, which he has complied into a mesmerizing time-lapse video more than three minutes long.

JK started his project, "Living My Life Faster," in October 1998, when he was 22, to document how his face and hair changes over the course of his life.

This daily photo project actually started out of spite. JK's girlfriend at the time mocked his purchase of what she considered an expensive Nikon Coolpix 900, sarcastically asking, "Are you going to use it every day?" Boy, has JK proved her wrong!

JK has no plans to stop his daily selfie ritual, saying he would like to continue adding images to the project and updating the video until the day he dies. We applaud his commitment to art.

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A Guy that took selfie every day for 16 years! [Time-lapse Video] A Guy that took selfie every day for 16 years! [Time-lapse Video] Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, May 28, 2015 Rating: 5

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