The #CharlieCharileChallenge where teens try to "summon a demon" goes viral

There’s a new social media craze. This time kids are trying to summon a Mexican demon named Charlie.

A new social media craze, the Charlie Charlie Challenge
A new social media craze, the Charlie Charlie Challenge

The #CharlieCharlieChallenge is a cross between “Bloody Mary” and a Ouija board, and he’s a pretty easy demon to summon.

All you need to do is take a piece of paper, draw a cross on it, and write your question in the squares. Then balance two pencils on top of each other over the cross on the paper.  Then you summon the spirit Charlie by asking, “Charlie, Charlie, are you there?” The next part is waiting for Charlie to answer. He communicates by moving the pencils.

The fourth step of this process is posting the supernatural encounters for the world to see. And many of the results of the #CharlieCharlieChallenge have kids from all over screaming!

Watch the compilations of videos posted in social media:

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The #CharlieCharileChallenge where teens try to "summon a demon" goes viral The #CharlieCharileChallenge where teens try to "summon a demon" goes viral Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, May 28, 2015 Rating: 5