Is this proof fairies exist?

A mother who has been taking pictures in the ancient Bluebell Woods near her Towcester, Northhampton home, when she captured this incredible image.

Lisa with her two daughters
Lisa with her two daughters

Lisa Wildgoose took her camera out to a nearby forest and was snapping away at flowers when she captured the incredible sight.

A mysterious creature was caught on camera
A mysterious creature was caught on camera

It was only when she returned home and uploaded the pictures to her computer that she spotted the mysterious flying figure.

A tiny winged creature seemed hovering near the drooping bluebell.

She claims that it looks like it has blonde hair and little trousers when she enlarged the image.

The tiny mysterious creature flying near the flower
The tiny mysterious creature flying near the flower

The creature seemed to have the same features as the "Tinkerbell"
The creature seemed to have the same features as the "Tinkerbell"

"I don't know if Tinkerbell would really wear trousers but with the blonde hair and shiny shoes it's too much of a coincidence!"

Lisa, who launched her own photography company Wildgoose Photograhics last September, said: "I was really shocked and freaked out at first. I thought it was probably just a fly, which it might well be, but when the girls saw it, there was no doubt in their mind.

"They don't have to try and convince me. In their mind their mum has always believed in fairies.

"They have often asked me if I believe and I always tell them I do - I suppose it's just the little girl in me that would love it to be true!

"People have said it's just a mosquito or a midge - and they are probably right - but I just think it's too much of a coincidence that it is wearing what looks like trousers and shoes."

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Is this proof fairies exist? Is this proof fairies exist? Reviewed by TrendSpot on Friday, May 08, 2015 Rating: 5

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