My heart sinks when this bear kills an innocent and lonely creature.

Creatures in the forest needs to survive the hash environment. How you are being categorized as a prey and predator? Being a predator is good but how about if you are a prey? Worst case is that you are just a small cub that is wandering in the vast and dark forest?

This bear kills a young and lonely cub
This bear kills a young and lonely cub

Bear do live in the forest like Yogi bear. However, these wild bears are different from the retro-cartoons that you grew up. They need to hunt and cannot live with honey alone. The mother bear cares for their cub until they are ready to live alone. The father bear protects his family.

Sometimes the bears need to protect their place. They are very territorial and kills who every trespass on their place. They need to survival for their lives. They mostly nocturnal and hunts.

When a cub got lost in the forest or has been separated with his family. The first instinct that they have if to find shelter and food. They are vulnerable to the hash environment. They need to secure themselves because anytime a lion or tiger can pass by and kill them in a blink of an eye.

On the video, a camper saw a lonely cub. Then the camper set up a night vision camera to capture how a cub survives himself in the vast forest. The cub tries to gather food by catching fish in a nearby river. Then he stays in a safe place to stay in for the night.

Unfortunately, a bear kills this cub to secure the food and shelter that the cub already provided. It seems that the bear shows that he owns the place.

What can you say about this bear homicide captured in film?

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My heart sinks when this bear kills an innocent and lonely creature. My heart sinks when this bear kills an innocent and lonely creature. Reviewed by TrendSpot on Saturday, August 01, 2015 Rating: 5