You won't believe what was stuck in this man's nose for 44 years! Very surprising!

A man who regularly suffered a blocked nose sneezed out the cause and its shocking!

 The mildly decomposed toy dart had been lodged in his nasal cavity since the 1970s

Steven Easton, 51-year-old, has been suffering a blocked nose for almost 40 years. He often had a case of the sniffles or a headache and put it down to hay fever.

After 40 years of suffering, he can now finally breathe easily after he sneezed out the cause, and ita a part of a toy dart that had been stuck up on his nostril.

According to Steven, the mildly decomposed toy dart had been lodged in his nasal cavity since the 1970s.

"I had a sneezing fit. It started off quite normally and then it got quite uncomfortable. And then this object popped out of my left nostril," Steven said. "It was a very strange sensation. Not to mention surprising!"

Steven was playing a video game when he got a tickle up his nose.

"I started a sneezing fit and it came out my left nostril"
"I started a sneezing fit and it came out my left nostril"
"I started a sneezing fit and it came out my left nostril. I thought, 'What's this? Where the hell has this come from?' and pulled out this rubber sucker. I was completely blown away," he explained his experience.

Steven told his mother Pat, who is now 77, he was amazed to find that his parents had taken him to hospital after they thought he inhaled the dart when he was seven.

"I spoke to my mum and she said, 'Oh yes, we took you to hospital when you were seven because we thought you had inhaled one'," Steven said.

It was surprising because the object was a suction tip of a toy dart, about the size of a penny.

He was asked how did end up on his nose, he said with a chuckle: "I really didn't know."

Steven's mom and day Quentin, remembered that they had taken him to the hospital when he seven years old.

Steve Easton with the tip of the toy dart
Steve Easton with the tip of the toy dart
"John said he'd swallowed it and there was just one of these darts without a tip. I took him to the hospital and they spent a lot of time looking for it but in the end they said perhaps it was a mistake," said Mrs Pat Easton, Steven's mom

His parents noticed that the suction cup was missing from one of his toy darts, and they were worried he had inhaled or swallowed it.

So they took him to the hospital, but doctors couldn't find anything. Yet for decades, he's suffered from sniffles and headaches he thought were a result of allergies.

“There was just one of these darts without a tip. I took him to the hospital and they spent a lot of time looking for it but in the end they said perhaps it was a mistake. I knew it wasn’t and it’s always worried me and now it has suddenly shot out. We are all shocked," said Mrs Easton.

As soon as Steven saw the dart tip comes out from his nose he went to the doctor for a checkup.

"I bought it up with my doctor and he was amazed like everybody else but said there had been no harm done. It's just one of those things. It had been there in my nasal cavity for 44 years. I was completely unaware that it was in my nose for that long. I feel no different now. I wonder if there's anything else up there," he said.

"I think I'm going to have to get used to being called a sucker for the next three months," he says with a chuckle. "And there's some great [online] comments underneath as well [wondering if] a model airplane will fall out of my nose."

Watch the video here:

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You won't believe what was stuck in this man's nose for 44 years! Very surprising! You won't believe what was stuck in this man's nose for 44 years! Very surprising! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Rating: 5

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