What happened to this man after drinking liquor everyday for 3 decades was UNIMAGINABLE!

We love drinking on occasions. We love partying every night. We love getting drunk. But think again after watching what happened to this man! Its shocking.

Chinese man has been drinking everyday for three decades has now developed a disease
Chinese man has been drinking everyday for three decades has now developed a disease

Hong Shu, 53-year-old, from Guangzhou, southern China, has been drinking almost a liter of white spirit for over three decades has now developed a fatty tumor around his neck due to his being alcoholic.

He is diagnosed with the rare Madelung disease, where in fatty deposits accumulate in various areas of the body including the neck, arms and legs.

The tumor around his neck ans throat makes Hong look like he has a horse neck. Which made him named as 'the man with the horse's neck'.

He is diagnosed with the rare Madelung disease
He is diagnosed with the rare Madelung disease
Hong has been suffering from Madelung disease for over a decade but it was only recently diagnose. He currently underwent multiple surgeries to remove the deposits and is due to discharged from the hospital.

He started seeing changes from his body more than 10 years ago. He noticed the swelling behind both of his ears but constantly spread to around his throat area.

Hong began having a hard time breathing and swallowing, which leaves him no choice but to undergo a surgery to remove the tumor.

Before Hong's surgeries, the lump around his throat was more than six inches wide and was five and half inches long. On his neck, he had two lumps, which was measured more than seven inches wide.

He his named as 'the man with the horse's neck'
He his named as 'the man with the horse's neck'
It took him three separate surgeries to completely remove the tumor on his neck.

For over 30 years, Hong is said to consume up to two liters of Chinese spirit bajiu a day. It was made from rice, sorghum and other grains, and it has ABV of anywhere between 40 and 60 percent.

They said it was a hard liquor in China which trigger the disease.

That extremely rare disease was like around 400 instances only world-wide.

After undergoing three surgeries, Hong is now recovering.

May this be a lesson to everyone!

Watch the video here:

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What happened to this man after drinking liquor everyday for 3 decades was UNIMAGINABLE! What happened to this man after drinking liquor everyday for 3 decades was UNIMAGINABLE! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, November 09, 2015 Rating: 5

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