Which can KILL faster? Knife or Gun? Find out here!

The scenarios presented are completely unrehearsed and the people involve do not know what to expect.

Screen cap for the video Knife vs Gun
Screen cap for the video Knife vs Gun

The video shows a great demonstration of the 21 foot rule also known as the Tueller Drill. The Tueller Drill is a training exercise of self defense where a person is to prepare against a short range knife attack when the attacker is only armed with a holstered handgun.

Salt Lake City Utah Police Department Sergeant, Dennis Tueller, wondered how fast an attacker with a knife can cover a 21 feet, so he timed the volunteer attackers as they ran and stab the target. He discovered and determined that it could be done in only 1.5 seconds.

Sergeant Tuellers results where published in 1983 as an article in a SWAT Magazine together with a police training footage with the title: How Close is Too Close?

But a dilemma was raised by the defender who holds the gun. If he will shoot the attacker with knife early, he will be risking the charge of murder. However, if he will wait until the attacker is certainly within the striking range, which shows no question about the motives of the attacker, he will be risking himself for serious injury and even death. The fatal wounds depth is only three millimeters only which is less than a 1/4 inch.

In the video the officers are told to investigate suspicious circumstances at night in a warehouse and reacted to what they have found.

This video will be a help in clarifying the dangers of edges weapons and why do policemen shoots attackers with knife. Also, the Tueller Drill puts together both parts of the original time trials and there are numerous ways it can be conducted.

Watch the video and witness how the 21 foot rule applies. Share us your thoughts on the comment box below!

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Which can KILL faster? Knife or Gun? Find out here! Which can KILL faster? Knife or Gun? Find out here! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, December 21, 2015 Rating: 5

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