Who will you vote on MAY 2016? Participate in our Election 2016 Online Poll Survey!

2016 National Election is approaching, scheduled on May 9, 2016. Have you decided who you will give your vote to? Which president are you going to vote? Vice-President? Senators?

Have you already watched their ad campaigns on TV? On social media? Are they showing you that they can be the best leaders of our country?

5 months from now we will be electing our new President, our new Vice-President and Senators, now is the prefect time for us to do some survey and researches on the possible presidential candidates.

This survey might help you to decide which president you should vote for. And which of them would make our country better.


This election will determine our 16th President of the Philippines.

There are 130 persons who have applied to run for president in next year's election, according to the Philippine Commission on Elections.

Partially there are four candidates who have emerged in next year's presidential race. Thought, the majority of the 130 applicants are unknwon which will likely be disqualified for lacking the means to mount a nationwide campaign.

One of the four major candidates, is former secretary Mar Roxas from the administration. Opposition leader and incumbent vice president Jejomar Binay. Senator Grace Poe, the leading candidate based on several surveys. Senator Miriam Santiago, who said to have an illness but doesn't want to back out for the election. And lastly, Davao Mayor Rodrigo, who was the last one to file his candidacy.


The election on May 2016 will be the 32nd election for the Senate of the Philippines.

Although the public has yet to hear the official declarations about the senatorial candidates for the 2016 election, there are more than 80 possible names have already been floated through the survey from 2014 up to now.

The seats of 12 senators elected in 2010 will be filled during this election. The winners in this election will join the winners of the 2013 election to form the 17th Congress of the Philippines.

Now let me ask you a question? Who do you think deserves to be our next President? Our next Vice President? And next Senators? Share us your thoughts!

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Who will you vote on MAY 2016? Participate in our Election 2016 Online Poll Survey!  Who will you vote on MAY 2016? Participate in our Election 2016 Online Poll Survey! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Tuesday, December 08, 2015 Rating: 5

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