BEWARE GUYS! This might be true, and we should know what we are serving to our family.

FDA caught illegal containers containing rat meat originating from China
FDA caught illegal containers containing rat meat originating from China

People loves meat. One of the top list when going on a grocery or having to cook for a day, consists of a MEAT! This news is really shocking and disgusting!

U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are sending warnings to the people as they caught illegal containers, originating from China. It was estimated one million pounds if counterfeit rat meat being sold as chicken wings that have made its way into fast food chains and some grocery stores in America.

According to FBI coordinator, Allen James, the counterfeit meat is a big business across the world.

If they seized hundred of thousands of pounds of the illegal meat and are to be destroyed by the authorities, the FDA still warns the public that an estimated 300,000 pounds of the counterfeit rat meat might still be in circulation. They said that it might be in American plates during the Super Bowl last February 2016.

Estimated one million pounds of rat meat that is being sold as “boneless chicken wings"
Estimated one million pounds of rat meat that is being sold as “boneless chicken wings"
“Every year a similar situation arises. Last year we seized large quantities of opossum meat coming from Mexico,” he said. “Criminal organizations see the Super Bowl as a period to cash in on different manners, be it illegal bets or gambling but also counterfeit meat. Where there is a way to make money, there will always be people who will try to find a way to bypass the law and make some profit," said FBI coordinator, Allen James.

The containers originating from China that was caught by the FDA was seized by the customs in San Francisco.

According to FDA spokesperson, Jenny Brookside, as for the hundreds of thousands of those illegal counterfeit meat are already on the market, consumers has no clear way on how to see the difference.

“Unfortunately, it is too late for the produce that has already been sold on the market. It is up to consumers to try to identify the quality and source of the meat that is packaged, but there is no absolute way of determining for 100% if the meat in your plate is chicken or rat” she admits with honesty," Brookside warns the public.

“If you find that your chicken wings taste slightly different from usual, it is a good bet that they might be counterfeit meat, but this can be easily hidden through the use of different ingredients and spices,” she added.

“If you find that your chicken wings taste slightly different from usual, it is a good bet that they might be counterfeit meat, but this can be easily hidden through the use of different ingredients and spices”.
“If you find that your chicken wings taste slightly different from usual, it is a good bet that they might be counterfeit meat, but this can be easily hidden through the use of different ingredients and spices”.

According to one of the FDA inspectors, Ronal Jones, the United States laws prohibit the import and sales of rat meat as a comestible item.

"You should know that there is nothing dangerous about consuming rat meat – if it’s properly cooked. But, it’s still illegal to import and to sell," he said.

An estimated 36 million pounds of illegal counterfeit meat is sold in the United States each year according to a 2014 FDA study.

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DISGUSTING! Rat MEAT being sold as CHICKEN WINGS!  DISGUSTING! Rat MEAT being sold as CHICKEN WINGS! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Saturday, February 27, 2016 Rating: 5

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