A simple thing that holds an UNBELIEVABLE history!

The documentary television series, How It’s Made, on Discovery Channel featured the one thing most of us are really curious about..

The machine that creates toothbrushes operates in incredible precision
The machine that creates toothbrushes operates in incredible precision

Where did toothbrushes came from, how are these made? One thing this the episode proves, the history of the toothbrushes hold is completely unbelievable!

There have been numerous commercials reminding us that brushing alone can help us prevent cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal, or gum, disease, which causes at least one-third of adult tooth loss. However, though there have been a great number of advancement in a lot of things throughout the centuries, there has been one thing that didn’t quite change.

Not every single technological innovation needs solar cells or batteries to work because there are manual toothbrushes! There are great models of technological advancement without those microchips or lithium cells.

Did you know that there are, in fact, various scientific difference that makes today’s design of manual toothbrush more important that its former. Supported by researches, and not by marketing departments, there have been variations of goals according to the brush’s filament, handle and tuft designs.

But before all of these new designs and advancements, the Chinese are known to create the first toothbrush around the 1600. However, it wasn’t until 1780 in England when it became a mass produced item.

Like those that followed, toothbrush bristles came from the neck and shoulder of pig! And yes, you are reading it right. In the late 1930, synthetic materials replaced the natural swine bristles.
Thousands of years ago, people used twigs to clean their teeth.  While today’s tooth brush came from little plastic pellets a vacuum sucks them up using an injection mold machine and what happens next is something you never have imagined!

Watch the full video below and be in awe as you unravel how toothbrushes are made!

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A simple thing that holds an UNBELIEVABLE history! A simple thing that holds an UNBELIEVABLE history! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, March 14, 2016 Rating: 5

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