The darkest material on earth is so black you can't see it or figure out its shape!

It is so black you can't even see a laser pointed right at it and light can’t escape it’s web of nanotubes!

Aside from being blacker than the usual black this material can do other extraordinary things!
Aside from being blacker than the usual black this material can do other extraordinary things!

Surrey NanoSystems created "Vantablack" in 2014. It is the darkest material ever made.

Created by Surrey NanoSystem, Vantablack is as close to a black hole conceivable because it is so dark that human eyes will struggle to detect its shape and dimension.

According to professionals, the material used to create it is ten times stronger than an actual steel.

Ben Jensen, Surrey NanoSystems’ chief technical officer, says that by looking at the Vantablack, people would expect to see the foil’s crumpling underneath but instead, the human eyes sees nothing but plain black.

He said, “All you can see … it’s like black, like a hole, like there’s nothing there. It just looks so strange,”

Using arranged carbon nanotubes, the Surrey Nanosystem was able to prevent light from escaping it.
They have aligned the carbon nanotubes vertically. To this, light can’t escape the layer and it is nearly completely absorbed.

By now, you would be probably wondering why professionals have been working so hard on creating such a dark material, other than to mess with our eyes and mind.

But these materials are brilliant for functions where stray light can cause problems. For example, inside a telescope designed to see faint stars. A coating of Vantablack will eliminate stray light and make those stars easier to image.

The company’s first customers are in the defense and space sectors, so they are not scaling up manufacture to meet up their requirements.

Other expected usage of the Vantablack is for telescopes and equipments used in capturing images.
To get a sense for just how black this material is, take a look at the video below and share us your thoughts on the comment section!

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The darkest material on earth is so black you can't see it or figure out its shape! The darkest material on earth is so black you can't see it or figure out its shape! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, March 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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