Shocking footage shows 'Godzilla' Iguana with the same size of a FULL grown man!

In this remarkably clear underwater video, a 'Godzilla' iguana was seen spotted swimming near the human divers.

Massive marine iguana was seen swimming along side divers
Massive marine iguana was seen swimming along side divers 

The massive beast has been also known as the “humanoid Godzilla” because of its size and the fact that it resembles a man while it swims.

The creature, having the same size as its human counterparts, glides under water diving up to 9-metres deep.

The amazing footage was captured in Cabo Marshall, a dive site off the north coast of Isabela in the Galapagos Islands by Steve Winkworth.

Seen in the footage, the giant iguana was crawling above the sea bed looking for its food, algae which quite makes up the bulk of its diet, then it lifted off as he headed back to the surface to catch some air.

The video shows him scooting past divers as he continues his hunt for food. Swimming along the seabed, chewing at the algae growing there.

However, fishes still swims close to it despite its fearsome look. Maybe it is because the massive beast it known to be a vegetarian that will do the fishes no harm.

Marine Iguanas are known to be vegetarians
Marine Iguanas are known to be vegetarians 

The video was posted on Reddit with the title: "Tiny Godzilla nomming on things underwater."

Watch the video below and witness the majestic giant marine iguana. Share us your thoughts on the comment section!

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Shocking footage shows 'Godzilla' Iguana with the same size of a FULL grown man! Shocking footage shows 'Godzilla' Iguana with the same size of a FULL grown man! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Rating: 5