SHOCKING NEWS: Unicorns were REAL and they might have walked alongside humans!

Scientists have finally uncovered evidence which propose mythical beast unicorns might not be mythical after all!

Siberian Unicorns are creatures who have the nearest resemblance to mythical unicorns
Siberian Unicorns are creatures who have the nearest resemblance to mythical unicorns

According to researchers, a strange creature called the Siberian Unicorn or Elasmotherium sibiricum may have shared the planet Earth with humans.

According to the Economic Times, the said creature existed about 350,000 years ago. The creature was believed to have gone extinct around that time.

However, archaeologists just come across a skull claiming it actually stomped the Earth during an era when our ancient ancestors began to carve pictures in caves and domesticate wild dogs.

Quite disappointingly, the 6 feet animal did have a giant horn sticking out its forehead but it seems to have looked much more like a fluffy rhino than an elegant unicorn.

The creature was said to be a gentle giant and subsisting on mostly grass despite its massive size, weighing in at 8,000 pounds and being about 15 feet long.

According to Science Alert, researchers think the ā€˜unicornā€™ was most likely an old male, but they still donā€™t know the cause of death.

These creatures are believed to walked along side humans
These creatures are believed to walked along side humans years ago

In Russia, a team from Tomsk State University dug up the skull of the beast and they used carbon dating techniques to work out its age.

According to an article published in the American Journal of Applied Science, Andrey Shpanski, a paleontologist at Tomsk State University said, ā€œMost likely, the south of Western Siberia was a refĆŗgium, where this rhino persevered the longest in comparison with the rest of its range. There is another possibility that it could migrate and dwell for a while in the more southern areas.ā€

The fossil indicates the mammal was on the larger side of the proportions previously written about.

As they analyze the skull, they were able to provide key information to figure out what led to this creatureā€™s extinction, but, more importantly, how it was able to survive that long.

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SHOCKING NEWS: Unicorns were REAL and they might have walked alongside humans! SHOCKING NEWS: Unicorns were REAL and they might have walked alongside humans! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Saturday, April 09, 2016 Rating: 5