What this restaurant did to help homeless people have food will surely touch your heart!

A restaurant in India is making a difference for the hungry population in their city. What they did was only about how to gain customers or money, but it's all about helping homeless people with what they can extend to do. Watch the touching video below..

Minu Pauline who created the sidewalk refrigerator
Minu Pauline who created the sidewalk refrigerator

One night, Tea Cafe Pappadavada's owner Minu Pauline saw a homeless woman digging through the trash of food looking for something to eat. Minu realized that her restaurant could cut down on food waste along with this she can also help and make a big difference for the hungry people in her community.

Minu's popular cafe in Kerala, India, setup a sidewalk refrigerator on the barrier in front of her cafe to help those people who has no money to buy food or those who are homeless and in need of food.

Her plan for the sidewalk refrigerator was simple, she would ask the patrons to date leftovers and leave them for the hungry in the fridge. She named the fridge Nammamaram, or "tree of goodness".

Screenshot from the video
Screenshot from the video
The refrigerator is available to the needy 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Aside from the customer's leftovers, Minu also put additional 80-100 servings of food on the fridge.

"On Easter Sunday an elderly man deposited a huge plastic bag inside the fridge, and tried to leave without a word. I was curious and opened the bag. Inside we found six chappathis, one tub of chicken curry, a big cake, and soft drinks. When I told him we only wanted excess food, he practically begged me to take it," Minu said.

"We want to the poor to have these along with us on Easter," the donor said.

Screenshot from the video
Screenshot from the video
There are people who didn't believe on her and said that her plan won't work and that the fridge would just be stolen. But Minu still moved forward her plan and it's turned into way for the community to express their generosity.

Screenshot from the video
Screenshot from the video
According to Minu, she believes that it's not the fridge will change the lives of the homeless community in Kerala but it will also teach the citizens of the city and from all over the world the importance of not wasting food.

After what she did went viral, many restaurants and establishments around the world were inspired with Minu's act of kindness and would do the same thing also.

Good job Minu! May God bless your kind heart!

Watch the video here:

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What this restaurant did to help homeless people have food will surely touch your heart! What this restaurant did to help homeless people have food will surely touch your heart! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Tuesday, May 03, 2016 Rating: 5

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