Mysterious Unicorn Woman found in China!

There was something growing on her head, what they discovered was UNEXPLAINABLE!

Liang Xiuzhen, 87-year-old, has a Cutaneous horn, a keratinous skin tumor with the appearance of a horn
Liang Xiuzhen, 87-year-old, has a Cutaneous horn,
 a keratinous skin tumor with the appearance of a horn

Liang Xiuzhen known as the “unicorn woman” is an 87-year-old woman living in Guiyan Vullage in China’s Sichuan Province.

Eight years ago, there was an itchy black mole that developed on her head.

They had been puzzled about the growth for the last two years.

Because they can’t afford to bring Liang in a hospital, she initially treated it with an herbal remedy.

As the remedy worked without side effects, the family just carried on using it without concerns.

“We found ways to cure her itch using traditional Chinese medicine, and then let it be,” said her son Wang Chaojun.

But just two years ago, the black mole burst open and a small horn which a size of a little finger began to grow out of the skin on her head.

“We went to the hospital and the doctors couldn’t diagnose the growth. My mother doesn’t like going to the hospital because she thinks that she won’t be able to come back home if she goes,” said Wang.

The horn has reached over 5 inches in length and two diameters in length.

Two years ago, Liang daughter accidentally broke the horn off while washing her mother’s hair.

But the current horn grew back rapidly and larger than before.

The Cutaneous horn can be treated with surgery but it may be cancerous
The Cutaneous horn can be treated with surgery but it may be cancerous

“Now the horn hurts my mother and prevents her from sleeping,” Wang said. “It also bleeds from time to time.”

The solid growth now resembles an animal horn in shape and color.

The skin surrounding the growing horn is extremely red and raw and at times it bleeds.

The doctors believed that it’s a Cutaneous horn and can be treated with surgery.

“At the moment it's just painful. Sometimes it's so painful it will wake me up from sleep,” Liang explained.

Liang’s horn or known as a Cutaneous horn, is a keratinous skin tumor with the appearance of a horn.

According to the doctors, a cutaneous horn is usually small and localized, but in some rare cases they can get quite large.

It was usually benign but it can be malignant.

They usually occur on the face, scalp, neck, forearms and the back of the hands where there’s the most amount of sun exposure.

According to the doctors, it can be removed with surgery, but the procedure depends on the patient’s physical health.

The horn has grown so quickly and the doctors are worried that the growth of the horn may be cancerous.

Watch the video here:

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Mysterious Unicorn Woman found in China! Mysterious Unicorn Woman found in China! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Sunday, June 19, 2016 Rating: 5

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