An alien spaceship found in Mexico before a volcano exploded. Is this a sign that they are planning to invade the Earth?

Hoax or not, should we be scared or aware about the upcoming invasion? Did the alien erupts a volcano?

UFO spotted in Mexico (Screenshot from the Video)

Conspiracy theory or not, an eyewitness saw a horse-shaped UFO before a volcano exploded. Loyola Quintanilla Rosas, 24, captured the UFO appearing at Colima Volcano in Mexico using her webcam. She confirmed that this peculiar object did resembles a horse or some other creature, but it certainly wasn’t a bird.
“When I first saw it, I thought it looked like a horse. It had a very large body and seemed to be an animal. It had a thin top, a bulging middle and two extremities at the bottom. But the legs weren’t moving so it clearly wasn’t a modern-day Pegasus… And it sure as hell wasn’t a bird.”
The theory was proven when Eufrasio Gonzales Carraso, an “alien fanatic”, said that he has been following the Colima UFO sighting and believes it adds another piece to the puzzle between UFO sightings and volcanoes. He said
“There has been a fair bit of activity around these volcanoes and this latest sighting just adds to the mystery. There must be something about volcanoes that draws extra-terrestrials to them. Perhaps they are collecting samples from our planet to take back home.”
For the time being, the Civil Protection of the Ministry of Interior of Mexico wasn’t ready to concede the UFO had alien origins, saying, “It is most likely a drone of some sort. We are looking into it.” said the spokesman.

Alien spacecraft spotted in the Philippines (Screenshot for the Video)

Last year, an alien aircraft appeared in the Philippines after Typhoon Ruby. Based on the accounts that it was hovering after the storm calms.

UFO spotted in Mexico before Mount Colima exploded:

UFO spotted in Philippines during Typhoon Ruby:

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An alien spaceship found in Mexico before a volcano exploded. Is this a sign that they are planning to invade the Earth? An alien spaceship found in Mexico before a volcano exploded. Is this a sign that they are planning to invade the Earth? Reviewed by TrendSpot on Tuesday, February 03, 2015 Rating: 5

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