This flight attendant shows what funky means while flying thousands of feet above ground!

She went solo and shows the real meaning of Funky flight attendants.

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This flight attendant shows that you can dance anywhere even in the aisles of an airplane.

Air travels are boring and few activities that you can do. You can walk, seat, eat, read and watch a movie. However, this flight staff gives her extra tender loving care by giving an “Uptown” beat.

Charlie Sierra, one of the passenger of the said flight, records the flight attendant who is dancing to the beat of the “Uptown Funk” and uploaded it on Youtube. Eventually, it becomes an instant hit and busting all over the social media.

In the other parts of the globe, a group of Cebu Pacific flight attendants entertains their passenger while demonstrating the safety reminders of the aircraft by dancing. They meticulously choreographed to emphasize what needs to be reminded.

Are they going to have a dance showdown in the sky? That is an event cannot be missed.

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This flight attendant shows what funky means while flying thousands of feet above ground! This flight attendant shows what funky means while flying thousands of feet above ground! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Rating: 5

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