Last Week: Something’s stuck in a boy’s ear; What a hit-and-run victim turned out to be; Going the extreme to win a previous love; Supermodel meets Manny Pacquiao and more…

Following are some of the most popular articles that trended last week. 

See how a little boy’s mischief can often (if not always) show up a trip to the ER. This boy who thought there was a pencil stuck in his ear captured a lot of our audience with a video that shows the consequences of why we have pockets and not our ears where we should put our little stuff.

More stories from last week…

A Chinese man just found it too inconvenient to help a dying and bloodied woman that he saw lying on the side of the road only to have the regret of his life what he discovers afterwards. This is one of the reasons why “The Good Samaritan” Law was passed in Shenzhen, Southern China in 2013.


What some girls are willing to do for love can sometimes be astonishing! A 15 year old Chinese girl underwent an extreme cosmetic surgery to transform herself into a undeniably beautiful young lady in order to win back her ex-boyfriend.

Touted as “The Snake Prince”, a Malaysian snake charmer kissed the same king cobra that killed his father with just one deadly bite. His father was featured in Guinness Book of Records and was bitten for 99 times already in his life.

Sometimes the highway invites troublesome individuals who evoke other drivers into car racing. A man gets provoked by the lady driver who was filming the scene and flashed an inappropriate gesture. Unfortunately the man ended up losing control of his pick-up.

Brazilian supermodel and Victoria Secret model got her dream come true when she met with her boxing heroes of the time… Manny Pacquiao. They did together what can be considered as once in a lifetime opportunity.

Talk about advancement in technology! What looks like an ordinary usb can actually turn your TV into a pc! Just plug this stick on any device that has an hdmi port and you’re all set.

Thank you so much for dropping by and reading this article. Visit our website regularly for more interesting and trending news and stories.

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Last Week: Something’s stuck in a boy’s ear; What a hit-and-run victim turned out to be; Going the extreme to win a previous love; Supermodel meets Manny Pacquiao and more… Last Week:  Something’s stuck in a boy’s ear; What a hit-and-run victim turned out to be; Going the extreme to win a previous love; Supermodel meets Manny Pacquiao and more… Reviewed by TrendSpot on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Rating: 5

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