Giant Anaconda swallows big Cow and vomits it after few minutes

The Serpent bleeds after eating a fully grown Cattle

Would you eat any food that is larger than your body, or let's make it more realistic... a food bigger than your eating capacity?

Of course, your answer will be a big "no". But on this video uploaded by AmericaWake on YouTube, things are different, it's bit weird and surprising.

This anaconda is very hungry that it got the biggest catch.
This anaconda is very hungry that it got the biggest catch.

A tourist and forest explorer in Brazil got fascinated by what to be a "rare sighting" of a giant reptile while devouring its prey. What's extremely interesting with the scene was, the hungry Anaconda was swallowing its food, which is way too big for its body.

The Snake captured and swallowed an fully grown Cow. But after a few minutes, the serpent started to eject the body of the Cow from its stomach through its mouth.

The half of the cattle is out.
The half of the cattle is out.

There are also some red liquid leaking out from the Snake's body, assuming that it was its blood. Then it might be the Anaconda's last supper. Its food was too big for its body to handle.

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Giant Anaconda swallows big Cow and vomits it after few minutes Giant Anaconda swallows big Cow and vomits it after few minutes Reviewed by TrendSpot on Saturday, May 02, 2015 Rating: 5

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