Netizen reacts on how this mother gives a baby a bath

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poor baby
Poor baby
Watch the video below

This mom’s method of giving a bath to her baby is absolutely crazy and sadistic. If there is an award for “Worst Mom in the World” she will walk away as a winner. Who could ever think that you can to this to an innocent infant? She toss the new-born into a bucket of water and tried stirring the little one like a spoon. Sometimes, the infant seems to be in a washing machine. There is one instance that the mom treat the infant as a clothes that needs to be wash and remove the water.  

In the video, you can hear that the baby keeps crying while taking a bath which is not a good sight to watch.

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Netizen reacts on how this mother gives a baby a bath Netizen reacts on how this mother gives a baby a bath Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, May 28, 2015 Rating: 5