She mixed Maltesers with milk, in a few seconds my kids are begging for more

What can you produce by mixing Maltesers and milk? Follow this simple steps will make you kids begging for more.

See what can you make out of maltesers and milk
See what can you make out of maltesers and milk
Watch the video below

Maltesers were created by Forrest Mars, an American business man and established Mars candy company, in 1936. It was first sold to the market in 1937. This chocolate balls is for woman who wants to slim down. It was called the “Energy Ball” in the 1900s. It consists of a malt molded into ah honeycomb structure and covered with milk chocolate. It was sold in different packaging, that includes a plastic bag, to cardboard boxes and tubes. Maltesers’ tagline is “The lighter way to enjoy chocolate” previously it was “The chocolates with the less fattening center”, “No ordinary chocolate” and “Nothing pleases like Maltesers”.

Milkshake is a sweet, cold beverage that is made from mixing milk, ice cream, and some flavoring such as butterscotch, caramel, chocolate or fruit syrup. Sometimes, this is made “by hand” by scooping out ice cream and put it in a mixer using a stainless steel container. In other restaurants, they are using an automatic milkshakes machines that freezes and serves a ready-made milkshake mixtures which consists of milk, sweetened flavoring agent and a thickening agent. But some fastfood establishments still uses the traditional method and some serves milkshakes that are already prepared by combining soft-serve ice cream with syrups.

A milkshake can be made by adding powder into fresh milk and stirring in the powder until dissolved. Some variations of milkshakes comes with chocolate, caramel, strawberry and banana flavors.

In the video below, you can mix Maltersers with mix to create a delectable milkshake. First, place the chocolate balls in a mixer then crush it. When it is properly crush, pour in the milk and mix it again for 32 seconds. After mixing, place it in a glass container and serve.

What can you say about this food hack that is quick and easy to make?

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She mixed Maltesers with milk, in a few seconds my kids are begging for more She mixed Maltesers with milk, in a few seconds my kids are begging for more Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, August 24, 2015 Rating: 5

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