Syrian Man selling pens on the streets while carrying his daughter

Poverty can't stop people from raising their children. A parent wouldn’t let anything bad happen to their kids. This man touched the hearts of so many people after his photo went viral.

Abdul Haleem al-Kader was a Palestinian-Syrian refugee, and chooses to sell pens in order to provide for his 2 children.

Photo from Gissur Simonarson’s Twitter
Photo from Gissur Simonarson's Twitter

His 2 children are Reem 9-year-old and Abdelillah 4-year-old.

Kader was saw selling pens on the streets of Beirut while carrying his sleeping 4-year-old daughter.

When Gissur Simonarson, founder of Conflict News, posted Kader's photos on the internet on Tuesday, lot of people was appealing to help the man.

They made an online fundraising and have already raised more than $5,000 (£3,200) in just 30 minutes.

And in 16 hours, they have reached $45,000 (£29,200).

After her photos went viral, internet managed to track him down.

Kader was with his children, Reem 9-year-old and Abdelillah 4-year-old.
Kader was with his children, Reem 9-year-old and Abdelillah 4-year-old.

According to Kader, he first left Syria four years ago with his wife and two children, moving to live in Egypt. But Kader’s wife insisted that they return to Syria, when they refused to return, she left Kader and the children.

I had nothing to do in Syria anymore, since the chocolate factory that I used to work in before is closed,
said Kader.

Some of my friends told me, 'Why not go to Lebanon and try there'.

Though he was looking to work in a chocolate factory in Lebanon as well, none were hiring.
So I have no other options to feed my kids but selling stuff in the streets.

Kader formerly lived in Yarmouk, a Palestinian refugee camp near the Syrian capital of Damascus that has played host to nearly 150,000 refugees since it was established in 1957.

Earlier this year, the camp was under attack yet again, this time from ISIS.

Because Kader couldn't find a work, he tried to sell pens for them to survive.

Gissur decided to create a Twitter account named #BuyPens and just a minute of starting his search he was contacted by someone who said to saw Kader everyday around his house.

Long story short, we were able to find him and now have a secure way to get this man the money we raise here,
Gissur wrote on the fundraising page.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this. It's nice to see people come together and make a difference in another person's life,
said Gissur.

The campaign collected $117,000 (£75,000) within 24 hours according to the page, and the current total stands at $80,000 (£51,000).

According to Kaber, he said he wants to use it to help fellow Syrian's facing the same struggle.

Abdul has said that he wants to help other Syrian refugees with this money, as well as send his children to school. Can't get more noble,
Gissur wrote in his Twitter

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Syrian Man selling pens on the streets while carrying his daughter Syrian Man selling pens on the streets while carrying his daughter Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, August 31, 2015 Rating: 5

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