MUST READ! Man almost lost his life because of E-Cigarette!

You thought that E-Cigarette is more safe and harmless than the normal Cigarette? Well, to those E-Cig users out there you better read this!



Cordero Caples a 29-year-old, is a Memphis native living in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He was said smoking his e-cig last Friday during his work break when the device exploded, braking his neck, burning his mouth and knocking out his teeth.

He was rushed to Memorial Hospital in critical condition and has to undergo a spinal surgery on Sunday night.

According to his sister Colessia Porter, Cordero was almost paralyzed for life because of the explosive of the e-cig. Cordero underwent spinal reconstruction surgery to give himself a chance to walk again and the surgery went successful and he was in stable condition.

"He could have lost his life," Colessia said. "There's people that have lost limbs from this. We cannot have something of this magnitude happening to people."

Cordero Caples with a broken neck, missing teeth, and horrific burns
Cordero Caples with a broken neck, missing teeth, and horrific burns
"At this time he's actually in surgery as a result of an e-cigarette device exploding in his mouth damaging his teeth,” Caples' sister Colessia Porter said. “It knocked his teeth out, created facial fractures for him, and his neck is broken.” she added.

Cordero also has multiple fractures, a hole in his mouth, and a broken neck. Prior to the accident, his sister said that Codero's dream was to be a fitness trainer, but after what happened it might not be possible.

“It’s devastating to see a healthy man with all his strength be put in a position where he can possibly be paralyzed from an e-cig,” his sister said.

"Any sudden move can cause him to be in a paralyzed state, and that is something we don't want," Porter said. "He's going to need 24-hour care for a while and constant monitoring from family and friends and loved ones. You know it is heart breaking, but we're going to bond together,” Colessia added.

He was smoking the e-cig last Friday during a work break when the device exploded
He was smoking the e-cig last Friday during a work break when the device exploded
Codero was a father to a 1-year-old girl, his family was in shocked of what happened to him. His sister said that if he knew that he was dealing with something that would explode on him, Cordero will definitely wouldn't have put himself in that situation.

According to the report, this wasn't the first vape explosion, but this was definitely the most severe. US Fire Administration said that faulty batteries are the root cause of the explosion.

“E-cigarette manufacturers should consider changing to a different style of electrical connection,” a study said. “The inclusion of protection circuits into the e-cigarette device would improve battery safety.”

Another incident of this kind of explosion is the 23-year-old James Lauria. The e-cigarette also exploded on his face, which cause him with first degree burns and a dime-sized hole in roof of his mouth.

Cordero's family set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for his hospital expenses. To all those who are using e-cigarette, or you know someone using it, be sure to tell them to the watch the video here!

This will serve a lesson to you and will surely change your views on this kind of gadgets!

Watch the video here:

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MUST READ! Man almost lost his life because of E-Cigarette! MUST READ! Man almost lost his life because of E-Cigarette! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Tuesday, March 01, 2016 Rating: 5

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