Eerie "trumpet-like" sounds heard across the globe now heard in some parts of the Philippines

The eerie sounds recorded in many countries across the globe has reached the Philippines.

Strange sounds happening in different placed around the world
Strange sounds happening in different placed around the world

Though it was already explained by some scientists as Earth’s natural radio emissions, some are still baffled and interpreting the sounds to be related to religion and many other apocalyptic beliefs. What do you believe these sounds to be?

The strange sounds, which resemble that of a trumpet or a collective from a brass section of an orchestra, has been recorded in many countries and were posted in YouTube. The sounds have been recurrent, as some of the videos were recorded years earlier. Today, this additional video posted on Facebook records the sounds coming from the skies of Batangas. A commenter on the said Facebook post also claims that she heard the eerie sounds in Davao as well.

And just recently, we posted an article about the creepy sound that was heard by the citizens in Batangas, Philippines. And now, another video is becoming viral because of the same content: strange sound coming from nowhere.

Strange sound happening again in Bacolod
Strange sound happening again in Bacolod

The newest video containing the eerie trumpet noises was recorded in Bacolod, Philippines. The video was uploaded on Facebook and it easily went viral just like the other videos, because of the exchange of opinions of the netizens.

Take note, these creepy sounds also took place in Texas, Canada and Germany. Just like all those videos taken in the Philippines, the videos in Canada, Germany and Texas also contain creepy trumpets and loud noises!

Strage sounds in Terrace, BC Canada
Strage sounds in Terrace, BC Canada

Although a lot of people believe that this phenomenon was the ones told in some bible verses, a lot of people still contradicts with that thought. Some even said that these strange sounds have scientific explanations!

Whatever the reason is, I still find those strange noises creepy.

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Eerie "trumpet-like" sounds heard across the globe now heard in some parts of the Philippines Eerie "trumpet-like" sounds heard across the globe now heard in some parts of the Philippines Reviewed by TrendSpot on Sunday, June 14, 2015 Rating: 5

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