A baby accidentally falls in a swimming pool.. What happened next got me speechless!

What does the baby do? Would he drown? Will the baby drown due to his dad’s wrong and over-confident calculations, or at least, will the baby cry in tantrums and suffer trauma?

This adorable baby knows how to float!
This adorable baby knows how to float!

Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. On average, 3,533 people die as a result of drowning each year, and most of those deaths are children under the age of 4 who drown in backyard swimming pools.

The tragedy of these statistics is nearly all drowning deaths are preventable. Parents need to be aware of their children’s swimming capabilities as well as their knowledge of how to be safe around water.

This can happen to any baby who’s able to walk a bit. The dog gets out of the door and leaves it open, followed by the baby who stumbles on his way to the swimming pool and accidentally falls in it.

Fortunately, the baby knows how to remain afloat with his face to the sky and above the water (by instinct or taught, we don’t know) and stays that way for a couple of breathless minutes.

But it's not true that babies are born with the ability to swim, though they have reflexes that make it look like they are.

A reflex called the bradycardic response makes babies hold their breath and open their eyes when submerged in water, says Jeffrey Wagener, a pediatric pulmonologist in Colorado. (Parents can cause this same reaction by blowing in their baby's face, a response that disappears after about 6 months.

Also, until around 6 months, babies placed in water tummy down reflexively move their arms and legs in a swimming motion, which makes them look like natural swimmers.

"These reflexes don't mean the baby can swim, though," says Wagener.

Babies aren't old enough to hold their breath intentionally or strong enough keep their head above water. In addition to the risk of drowning, it's dangerous for an infant to swallow large amounts of pool water.

To ensure the baby's safety his father was also in the pool
To ensure the baby's safety his father was also in the pool 

In the video, the baby cries and tries to call for help but keeps himself from panicking–he seems to know that panicking can make him sink into the water. He just remains like that–and one wonders why the video-taker allows the baby to suffer thus–and then finally, the unexpected happens!

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A baby accidentally falls in a swimming pool.. What happened next got me speechless! A baby accidentally falls in a swimming pool.. What happened next got me speechless! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, July 06, 2015 Rating: 5

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