This woman met her online lover for the first time! What happened next is depressing!

Internet is one of the best place where we can meet a lot of strangers. Some of them become our friends, some become our lovers, but what happened to this woman is not that happy ending. Be careful with who we talk to.

This 23-year-old woman had three attempts to kill herself when she saw her online lover
This 23-year-old woman had three attempts to kill herself when she saw her online lover

At Tueday night, July 25, 2015, a 23-year-old woman committed multiple suicide after meeting her online lover for the very first time.

The two decided to meet at the 7th floor of a hotel located in Mudanjiang city, Heilongjiang province China.

The woman was expecting to meet her ā€œhandsome online loverā€, but the person she saw was different from who she had in mind.

The police saw the couple fighting on the balcony of the hotel. The furious and disappointed woman ran to the balcony and stood with one leg over.

ā€œYou cheated on me!ā€ the angry woman shouted.

Before the situation got worse, the police were able to get the woman off the balcony and they tried to separate the man and the woman and attempted to speak to them so they could calm down.

While the police are trying to calm down the woman, she unexpectedly grabbed a handful of sleeping pills and swallowed them for her second attempt

Her third attempt was when she grabbed a piece of broken glas and slits her wrist.

Fortunately, the police were able to stop her from further harming herself and successfully loading her into an ambulance headed straight for the hospital.

According to some sources, the woman who was not named began an online relationship with his 10-year-older lover despite her family anfd friendā€™s disapproval.

Even though her family was against it, she travelled to meet her online lover for the first time.

Many netizens where asking for the manā€™s picture and asking if he could be that ugly, to make this woman wants to kills herself.

The womanā€™s condition was no longer life threatening but she need to stay in the hopistal due to the piece of broken glass she swallowed.

Watch the video here:

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This woman met her online lover for the first time! What happened next is depressing!  This woman met her online lover for the first time! What happened next is depressing! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, August 03, 2015 Rating: 5