This is probably the coolest thing a farmer could find on the job. Read the story and find out what they found!

Two farmers from Chelsea, Michigan made an unexpected discovery in a wheat field last week. Both farmers were stunned when they discover a 15,000 year old mammoth skeleton on his land.

Farmers were stunned when they discover a 15,000 year old mammoth skeleton on his land
Farmers were stunned when they discover a 15,000 year old mammoth skeleton on his land

The discoveries were made by Jim Bristle and his neighbor while they were doing building work on their soya bean land. Initially, they thought they had found a bent fence post. But the amazing find turned out to be the ribs of a woolly mammoth that live up to 15,000 years ago.

James Bristle dug up the skull, tusks and other bones of the animal that had likely been butchered by early human hunters.

"We were putting in a drain system for a drain tile wasn't thinking about digging up any bones," said James.

Believing the strange object may have been a dinosaur bone the farmer contacted the University Of Michigan Museum Of Paleontology, and soon had a team of about 15 paleontologist and university students locating the bone.

They spend an entire weekend recovering the old animals remain. Curious locals gathered throughout the day as news of the discovery spread.

The bones were from a mammoth that was a rare hybrid  between a woolly mammoth and Columbian mammoth.
The bones were from a mammoth that was a rare hybrid
 between a woolly mammoth and Columbian mammoth.
According to Daniel Fisher, director of the university's Museum of Paleontology, the bones were from a mammoth that was a rare hybrid between a woolly mammoth and Columbian mammoth.

"It was an adult male, probably in its forties at the time of its death. Probably lived between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago” Daniel said.

Mammoths and mastodons, another elephant-like creature, were common in North America before disappearing around 11,700 years ago. Remains of about 300 mastodons and 30 mammoths have been discovered in Michigan.

Bristle has agreed to donate the mammoth’s bones to the University of Michigan for further study. The bones will be cleaned and examined by university researchers for cut marks that would indicate human activity. Meanwhile, the farmer isn’t hoping for a repeat of the experience, though.

“I hope it doesn’t happen again,” Bristle said. “We need to get back to farming.”

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This is probably the coolest thing a farmer could find on the job. Read the story and find out what they found! This is probably the coolest thing a farmer could find on the job. Read the story and find out what they found! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Rating: 5

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