10 practical uses of Coca-Cola aside drinking it

Here are the top 10 Coca-cola hacks that you didn’t know that really work! That helps you on your daily chores.

Coca-cola is the most popular beverage in the world, however there are other use of coca-cola aside from drinking it? This is because of the ingredients that helps Coca-Cola to do more.

See how Coke helps you in your daily chores
See how Coke helps you in your daily chores

Here are the 10 practical uses of Coca-Cola beside drinking it:

Coke can use as pesticide. This is not a myth. In India, this is the most popular tool for some farmers because it is cheaper and very powerful in killing pest. This is because Coke has a high sugar content that helps in eliminating pests. With this technique, it became popular in some countries as well.

Coke is effective in removing gum that is stuck from your hair. To remove the gum, simply place the sticky hair in a cup of Coke and let it sit for a few minutes. Then you will discover that the gum is easier to remove. This is because the acids in Coke knock down the keratin in the hair and weakens them while at the same time it hardens the gum.

Coke can serves as a color fader. This softdrink is a viable chemical tool to dull the color of your hair if you are planning to apply a darker color into your hair. The acids found inside the drink help to dissolve and weaken the hair dye.

Coke can be neutralized pain. It is not advisable for sprains and serious injuries. However, if you have bee stings, spray coke into the insect bite to remove the pain and it also helps to heal your wounds faster. This is because of the chemical compound found in the soda drink.

Coke can be use as a cleaning product. Coke composes a chemical that is very potent in removing grimes. Just pour some coke in the very stained pot and pans. Let it sit for a few minutes, then it will dissolved the filth with minimize your effort in scrubbing and removing grease.

 A screenshot from the video.
A screenshot from the video.

Coke can help you relieves jellyfish sting. Sometimes jellyfish sting can be lethal and you don't know how to react on it. If you have a can of Coke just pour it on the affected area. This will help negating the effect of the jellyfish toxic.

Coke helps in hair curling. This is because this popular soda drink contains phosphoric acid that gives a sharper flavor. This also contracts the hairs cuticles that intensify the natural curls of the hair.

Coke helps deodorize your clothing. Just simply add a can of coke in your washer and you will see that it will removed the odor on your clothes especially gas smells.

Coke aids in coin scrubbing. If you have very old and rare coins that are rusty, place this antique coins in a glass of coke and wash it after a few minutes.You will see that the rust was separated from the coin. This is because of the acidic compounds found inside a can of coke. This aids in oxidizing the coin that gives a new and shinny touch.

Coke can be use as a toilet bowl cleaner. Just pour the drink into a dirty bowl and wait for an hour before scouring the toilet bowl and flushing it. This will help your toilet bowl a sparkling clean feel.

How can you say about this Coca-cola hack? Will you try it at home after watching this video. Please do let us know by leaving a comment below.

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10 practical uses of Coca-Cola aside drinking it 10 practical uses of Coca-Cola aside drinking it Reviewed by TrendSpot on Saturday, December 19, 2015 Rating: 5

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