The SECRET behind the levitating street performers finally REVEALED!

How can he do that? Does he have extraordinary powers? Or is it purely magic?

The Silver man shocked passerbys with his floating trick
The Silver man shocked passerbys with his floating trick

The Silver man street performer looks like he is magically levitating in the air as he stand on some kind of elevated invisible platform along the busy streets of London. You have surely seen these kinds of street performers who appear to be magically lifting themselves off the ground using nothing but a stick.

In fact, this "floating man" trick has been done in cities all around the world.

Now, let us figure out what this magic really happens.

The video posted by online user Education on YouTube shows the step by step tricks before and while the street artist performs his floating and levitating magic.

The video has already a whooping 2,169,727 million views as of this writing.

When you first glance on the man, your eyes will be in disbelief because you will be wondering how on earth can a man be floating in the air.

Impressed and shocked, almost every passerby stopped to stare at the man and some even took photographs. They were all completely blown away.

However, it turns out that the secret which lies behind the trick is, in fact, really simple. It is actually more than meets the eye and it relay to the clothing that they wear.

Indeed, it was the platform all along.

If you guessed that it was a platform all along, you'd be correct. The Silver man was actually sitting on the platform the entire time. And that platform is connected to the pole which supports the weight of the performer.

Which is why, in every instances there is always a “carpet” under the street performer. This is not a coincidence because it helps cover the base.

Those long hours of floating meditation were just merely hours of sitting! This is one magic trick that you can easily do too.

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The SECRET behind the levitating street performers finally REVEALED! The SECRET behind the levitating street performers finally REVEALED! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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