Caught on cam: Spooky guy passes by mirror WITHOUT showing any reflection!

A lot of us have already heard stories about ghost and vampires but few only believe them to be true.

Normal people show reflection when they passed by the mirror
Normal people show reflection when they passed by the mirror

Many of us still do not think that they exist in the real world despite the fact that we see them in movies and we read them in books.

This is because they are trying to consider the lack of studies, researches, experience and even evidence to prove that these creatures actually live. And up until now, people have diverse views and judgments on whether they are real or nothing but folklore.

Some people strongly claim they have seen them, however, many still haven’t come across such things.

An eerie video was recorded by a CCTV camera of a flip flop store in Savannah. The footage shows spooky moment a mysterious man wearing black walks by a mirror but showed no reflection. Except for the man in black, the people that passed by the mirror were seen to have reflection.

Many people’s attention were captured by the video to which they find it really creepy and unexplainable.

Passing by the same mirror, the man wearing black didn't show any reflection
Passing by the same mirror, the man wearing black didn't show any reflection

Several online users shared their thoughts and commented that the man could be a vampire living in our world. According to movies, vampires are believed to be immortals, scared of sunlight and drinks blood from people for their food. But most especially, they do not have reflections on the mirror if they happen unintentionally face or passed by it.

This perhaps, could be the main reason why people think this man is a vampire.
Alongside all the believers, there are skeptics who think that video was hoax or just edited to fool other people.

Do vampires really exist? Watch the full video below and judge it yourself. Share us your thought on the comment section!

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Caught on cam: Spooky guy passes by mirror WITHOUT showing any reflection! Caught on cam: Spooky guy passes by mirror WITHOUT showing any reflection! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Monday, April 11, 2016 Rating: 5